Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snappy Snolidays!

A fresh set a legs, Little Tokyo
Grand Central Market
Mrs. Bouchér
Downtown, Santa Monica.
Jewelry District                                                                      

Nathan Phillip Griffin
MTA Train Yard
Curbside Lunch Committee
Grand Central Market
Ewok Doggs, Koreatown
Angles and Lines
Grand Central Market.
Nijiya Market, Little Tokyo

    Daikyua Gifts, Little Tokyo


MTA Train Yard
Even the sweetest honey in the land is not sweeter than those thighs. Los Angeles.
Mrs. Penny, Koreatown                                                                                                    

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My prayers to the people of Israel and Palestine.

ישראל בלב
Wrangling Turds and Hangling with Nerds.

Mr.William Porris.
Roulette Wheels and Kosher Dills.
Baby Shit-Stain Himself.
Mr. Jason Michaelson.
Cight Flub.
Mrs. Gina Ciffonelli.
Hater in the Vator.
Curbside Committees.
Drinks his own pee.
Auction Nutts.
Cocinero Culero.
Sir. Handsome Hands III.
Hater in the Blazer.
Until next time.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Heady for Ralloween?

The lord knows I am.
                             Fartsy Fun, Santa Monica.
Pet Jlane.
 There's my buddy.
The Dutch.
The Honey Bear.
Style Element.
 Turkey Dick.
 Road Buddy.
Shinehead and Friend.
Bheckin Cuttcheeks.
 Good Eve.